

The modern work assistant you didn't know you needed

Atlas manages your schedule, priorities, emails, creates documents, and instantly recalls every piece of information— all through simple conversation, just like a personal assistant

About Atlas

Atlas is the modern work assistant you didn't know you needed. It manages your schedule, priorities, emails, creates documents, and instantly recalls every piece of information - all through simple conversation, just like a personal assistant. Atlas transforms tedious tasks into a simple ask. With AI-powered commands, you can summon Atlas anywhere to get work done across your tools. It works with all your daily tools, so you can speak or write to Atlas just like you would to a real assistant. Atlas provides a reimagined workspace with the best assistant ever. It helps you walk into a perfectly planned day, ready for you to dive in. You can hand off anything that's getting in the way to your personalized assistant.

  • Organize your day

    Easily manage your daily tasks and schedule with Atlas's intelligent organization features.

  • Use all of your knowledge

    Access and leverage your entire professional knowledge base to be more productive and efficient.

  • Directly edit text using AI

    Utilize Atlas's advanced AI capabilities to seamlessly edit and refine your written work.

  • Automatically complete text

    Let Atlas's AI-powered text completion feature help you write more efficiently and effectively.

  • Use Context from anywhere

    Seamlessly integrate information from across your tools and knowledge base to create more contextual and relevant content.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


Developed by

Generative AI Inc.
Lifetime access

Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $69

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