Customer ServiceBigly Sales
Bigly Sales

Bigly Sales

Respond to every lead instantly with AI

Cut your call center costs by up to 90% and improve efficiency

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About Bigly Sales

Imagine a world where your sales and customer support teams never sleep, never take a break, and are always ready to respond to every lead that comes your way. Welcome to Bigly Sales, the first real AI call center that works 24/7/365. Say goodbye to the days of missed opportunities and hello to instant responses that can cut your call center costs by up to 90%. Yes, you heard that right! With Bigly, you can replace your traditional call center with a smart, efficient AI that handles everything from customer inquiries to lead qualification with ease. Picture this: you wake up in the morning, and your AI has already followed up with leads, scheduled appointments, and even sent out contracts—all while you were dreaming of your next big sale. Bigly AI can respond in any language, using any voice or accent you choose. It’s like having a multilingual sales team at your fingertips, ready to engage with customers in a way that feels personal and authentic. And the best part? You only pay for what you use, making it a scalable solution that grows with your business. But wait, there’s more! Bigly Sales isn’t just about responding to leads; it’s about converting them. With features that allow for unlimited intake questions, live transfers to agents, and a follow-up schedule that keeps your leads warm, you’ll never lose track of a potential sale again. Whether you’re a solopreneur or a growing business, Bigly Sales is designed to make your life easier and your sales process smoother. So why settle for less when you can have an AI-powered assistant that works harder than any human ever could?

  • Cost Reduction

    Cuts call center costs by up to 90% while increasing conversion rates.

  • Instant Lead Response

    Respond to leads instantly with customized questions aligned to business objectives.

  • Multi-Language Support

    Users can choose their preferred speaking style or language for communication.

  • Voice and Accent Customization

    AI can mimic any voice or accent for personalized interactions.

  • Multi-Channel Integration

    Interacts with customers using voice, SMS, and email for comprehensive engagement.

  • Analytics and Automation

    Track conversion and sales data by source with intelligent routing based on responses.

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