

Build custom full-stack apps 10x faster.

Bildr is an all-in-one no-code platform for scalable data-driven webapps.

About Bildr

Bildr is a revolutionary no-code platform that empowers anyone to build custom, full-stack web applications with ease. Designed for both non-technical and technical users, Bildr combines a visual, drag-and-drop interface with the flexibility and power of code. Whether you're a designer, developer, marketer, or entrepreneur, Bildr provides the tools and resources you need to bring your ideas to life. With its intuitive visual editor, you can design stunning, responsive web pages without writing a single line of code. But Bildr doesn't stop there - it also offers a robust set of features for building complex, data-driven applications, including custom logic, integrations with popular APIs, and seamless user authentication. What sets Bildr apart is its unique approach to no-code development. Unlike other platforms that limit you to pre-built templates and actions, Bildr gives you the freedom to extend and customize your applications as needed. With access to the underlying code and the ability to integrate custom JavaScript, CSS, and libraries, you can create truly unique and powerful web applications that scale with your business. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to work more efficiently or a non-technical user who wants to bring your ideas to life, Bildr is the perfect tool for the job. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and unparalleled flexibility, Bildr is the future of web development.

  • Data Collections

    Build new, or use any data source. Secure and scalable data is built-in. View data changes in real-time. Build on existing data from anywhere.

  • Flows & Actions

    Unmatched Custom No-Code Logic. Build intuitive and innovative interactions. Use logic and conditionals to handle any scenario. Extend the powerful base toolkit with custom actions.

  • Full CSS Control

    Design without limits. Create beautiful and responsive pages. Use the no-code editor, write CSS, or pull in external libraries. Get instant visual feedback in the Preview.

  • Integrations

    API to anything. Integrate apps like Stripe, Sendgrid and OpenAI. Run both browser and server-side API calls. Store and hide API keys with Bildr Secrets.

  • Users

    Integrated User Authentication. Seamlessly create authenticated users. Connect to Data Collections in Seconds. Includes password and magic link options.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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