Business Plan Generator

Business Plan Generator

100% Free Business Plan Generator

You are 10 marketing decisions away from being profitable. Get the right directions to grow faster.

About Business Plan Generator

FounderPal's Business Plan Generator is a free tool that helps solopreneurs and small business owners create a comprehensive business plan in just 10 seconds. The tool is designed to provide the right directions to grow your business faster. The Business Plan Generator is powered by AI and asks you a few simple questions about your business and target audience. Based on your inputs, it generates a detailed business plan that covers all the key sections, including an executive summary, market analysis, operations plan, financial projections, and more. The goal of the Business Plan Generator is to make it easy for busy entrepreneurs to create a professional-looking business plan without the hassle of starting from scratch. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your existing business, this tool can help you get the right plan in place to achieve your goals.

  • 100% Free Business Plan Generator

    The Business Plan Generator is a free tool that helps users create a comprehensive business plan in just 10 seconds.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    The tool provides personalized recommendations based on the user's business and target audience inputs.

  • Comprehensive Business Plan

    The generated business plan covers all key sections, including executive summary, market analysis, operations, and financial projections.

  • Customizable Templates

    Users can customize the generated business plan by editing the content and formatting to fit their specific needs.

  • Solopreneur-Focused

    The Business Plan Generator is designed specifically for solopreneurs and small business owners to help them grow their businesses.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

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