Dibbly Create

Dibbly Create

Get Ready for Your Next Best-Seller in Record Time!

Create genuine content, and speed up your success with all-in-one platform, and easy human-AI collaboration! The best partner in your self-publishing journey!

About Dibbly Create

Dibbly Create is a revolutionary content creation platform that empowers writers, authors, and creators to bring their ideas to life with unprecedented speed and efficiency. Imagine a world where you can seamlessly blend human creativity with the power of artificial intelligence, unlocking new levels of productivity and inspiration. At the heart of Dibbly Create lies a suite of cutting-edge tools designed to streamline every aspect of the content creation process. From the Prompt Library, which provides a treasure trove of ready-made prompts to ignite your imagination, to the Interior Book Designer, which crafts beautiful ebook and paperback interiors with just a few clicks, Dibbly Create is your one-stop-shop for transforming your vision into reality. But Dibbly Create is more than just a collection of features - it's a transformative experience that puts the power of AI-driven content manipulation, research, and generation at your fingertips. With tools like KIP, you can effortlessly refine and enhance your work, while the Content Writer harnesses real-time data to produce engaging, well-researched content tailored to your needs. Whether you're a seasoned author or a budding creator, Dibbly Create is the partner you've been searching for to elevate your craft and reach new heights of success.

  • Prompt Library

    Struggling to get what you want out of AI? Use our ready-made prompts that will get you the right content, every time!

  • Interior Book Designer

    Creates beautiful interiors for both ePub and Paperback. Fully customizable and ready to be published.

  • Content Manipulation with KIP

    Modify and improve content by highlighting text and using KIP. Currently, there are 7 options now when you highlight text and click KIP.

  • /KIP command

    For quick access to all KIP tools such as brainstorm, rewrite and image generation exactly where you are in the document.

  • ChatKIP

    You can chat with ChatKIP interface, requesting freelancers, brainstorming ideas, and inserting text into editor, as well as generating images.

  • Research Tool

    5 different types of research, 3 of which are Amazon-specific. Amazon research, YouTube Research, and Google Research.

  • Outline Generator

    Updated Non-Fiction outline to have a more in-depth chapter summaries as well as source links to use for researching the chapter.

  • Title Generator

    Researches titles on Amazon based off selected category and gives you a breakdown of the book's titles in the category, keywords, and suggested titles.

  • Summarizer

    We will be releasing an in-depth version soon that goes into a lot more detail of the content being summarized, to gain a better grasp of the content as a whole.

  • Content Writer

    A tool that generates diverse content by researching, gathering data, and structuring it into well-referenced formats suited to your chosen content type.

  • Image Generation (Beta)

    Generate images right in your document, simply prompt KIP or ChatKIP with what you need.

  • Sharing + Collaboration

    Witness people typing, leaving comments, and sharing suggestions, fostering a vibrant exchange of creativity.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

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