Digital Access Pass

Digital Access Pass

Everything You Need to Create and Run a Thriving Membership

Turn Your Expertise into Profits! Effortlessly Create, Protect and Monetize Your Premium Content!

About Digital Access Pass

Digital Access Pass (DAP) is the ultimate all-in-one membership and LMS platform that empowers entrepreneurs, creators, and business owners to effortlessly build, protect, and monetize their premium content and resources. With DAP, you can create stunning online courses, challenges, and digital products - whether you're starting from scratch or using AI to jumpstart the process. Offer your expertise as a free or paid membership, with flexible access levels and billing models to suit your business needs. But DAP is more than just a plugin - it's a comprehensive solution that handles everything from content protection and delivery to automated email communication and affiliate management. With its user-friendly interface and powerful customization options, you can tailor your membership site to match your brand's identity and provide a seamless, engaging experience for your audience. Whether you're an established entrepreneur looking to scale your online business or an aspiring creator ready to turn your passion into profits, DAP is the all-in-one platform that can help you succeed. Unlock the full potential of your content and start building your thriving membership community today.

  • Setup Wizard

    Setup your Membership Site in under 30 minutes! The setup wizard will guide you through the setup process and help you set things up in just a few minutes.

  • Built-In LMS for Courses

    DAP comes with an advanced, built-in LMS for your courses. You can easily organize your course content, publish progress bars, generate course outlines, and design your lessons in WordPress.

  • Content Protection

    Fully secure your content - pages, posts, custom posts, categories, files, and more. Use partial content protection to hide parts of content and the Sneak Peek feature to display teaser content.

  • Visual Automation Engine

    The one-of-a-kind Visual Automation Engine allows you to supercharge your membership site automations. Connect with external platforms, set up tag-based automations, and integrate with Zapier.

  • Built-in Affiliate Module

    DAP comes with a built-in Affiliate Program where all your members can automatically and instantly be enrolled as affiliates. Offer 2-tier affiliate commissions, pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale, and provide detailed affiliate analytics.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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