AI that works with your documents

Ask questions and receive precise answers in real time!


Introducing, a groundbreaking tool that revolutionizes the way you interact with your documents. Say goodbye to the frustration of sifting through endless pages of text, trying to find the information you need. With, you can have intelligent, context-aware conversations with your PDFs and other document formats, getting precise answers to your questions in real-time. Powered by cutting-edge AI research and state-of-the-art embeddings, offers superior document analysis capabilities. It goes beyond simple keyword searches, understanding the context and meaning behind your documents. Whether you're dealing with legal contracts, research papers, or business reports, can help you extract valuable insights quickly and efficiently. But isn't just about analysis. It also offers advanced workflow automation features, allowing you to streamline complex document handling tasks. From automatic document sorting and data extraction to custom workflow integrations, reduces manual effort and enhances efficiency. You can process large volumes of documents according to predefined criteria, all while maintaining high accuracy and speed. At, we understand the importance of data privacy. That's why we've made a secure commitment to our users. Your document data will never be shared or used for any other purposes. Rest assured, your documents stay yours. Whether you're a researcher, lawyer, business professional, or anyone who deals with large volumes of documents, is the tool you've been waiting for. It's easy to use, reliable, and constantly improving based on user feedback and the latest AI advancements. Try today and experience the future of document analysis and interaction.

  • Easy-to-use and Intelligent Conversations cuts through the noise, offering easy and intelligent conversations with one or many documents at once. Pose direct questions to your PDF(s) and get accurate, context-aware answers instantly.

  • State-of-the-art AI Analysis

    Our service is powered by cutting-edge AI research and state-of-the-art embeddings, ensuring superior document analysis (including metadata) and dynamic interactions with your PDFs.

  • Advanced Workflow Automation

    Leverage our new Workflow Automation feature to streamline complex document handling tasks, from automatic document sorting and data extraction to custom workflow integrations.

  • Privacy-conscious and Secure Commitment

    Your document's privacy is our priority. Our tool does not share or use your document data for any other purposes.

  • Shareable Interactions

    With, you can share your document chats and insights with your team or friends, to create a collaborative work environment.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

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