

The Smartest B2B Sales Prospecting Tool for your Business

Try it now and reach thousands of customers every month

About FindThatLead

Finding the right leads for your business can be a daunting task, filled with hours of tedious research and frustrating dead ends. But what if there was a tool that could do all the heavy lifting for you? Enter FindThatLead - the smartest B2B sales prospecting tool on the market. With its powerful search capabilities and advanced filtering options, FindThatLead helps you quickly identify your ideal customers, no matter their industry, role, or location. Simply enter your criteria, and the platform serves up a tailored list of high-quality leads, complete with their contact information. But FindThatLead doesn't stop there. It also provides a suite of tools to help you effectively reach out and engage with your prospects. From a user-friendly email sender to a built-in CRM, this all-in-one platform streamlines the entire sales process, allowing you to focus on what really matters - closing deals and growing your business. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or a scrappy startup, FindThatLead is the secret weapon you need to amplify your reach, increase your sales, and stay ahead of the competition. Try it today and unlock the power of targeted, personalized outreach to connect with your ideal customers and take your business to new heights.

  • Find and extract leads

    Define your industry, role, location, or keywords, and FindThatLead will serve you a tailored B2B email list. You can even define and scrape your target on LinkedIn using our Chrome Extension.

  • Send Campaigns

    Effortlessly roll out targeted B2B campaigns to engage your audience. Use AI for compelling email copy.

  • Close Deals

    Complete your sales easily with follow-ups, send leads to your CRM, all in one tool.

  • Chrome Extension

    Grab emails from web pages, LinkedIn, and Crunchbase. Use LinkedIn search for bulk collection.

  • Email Verifier

    Reduce email campaign bounce rate by verifying emails individually or in bulk.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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