

Build high impact strategy at scale

Create your vision, brand position, and go-to-market strategy—all in a collaborative AI-enabled workspace.

About Frictionless

What happens when you put decades of proven strategic methodologies in one powerful, AI-enabled platform? Frictionless is an AI-powered strategic consulting platform that helps growth-minded teams uncover, define, and execute their vision, brand position, and go-to-market strategy. By combining human expertise with the power of AI, Frictionless enables teams to craft targeted personas, analyze competitors, write compelling messaging, and create strategy quickly and easily. Frictionless uses your strategy to constantly mine for campaign, content, sales, and offering ideas, exponentially scaling your growth efforts. And by breaking down silos and providing a single source of truth for all your brand assets, Frictionless helps your team go from chaos to clarity. Whether you're an agency, entrepreneur, marketer, coach, consultant, or enterprise, Frictionless is the AI-enabled workspace that will help you build high-impact strategy at scale.

  • Ideal Customer Profiles

    Prioritize and organize your target markets by creating ideal customer profiles and building detailed personas within.

  • Personas

    Quickly build detailed, unbiased personas with insights on influencers, interests, channels, and more.

  • Competitor Analysis

    Compare and contrast your competitors, analyze their designs and content, and investigate their technical details.

  • Core Values

    Define your company's guiding principles through a collaborative workshop and AI-generated suggestions.

  • Vision and Mission

    Align and excite your team by defining your company's vision, mission, and manifesto.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



Lifetime access

Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $69

What everyone's saying

1 review
Undoubtedly one of the best tools to build you strategy
Been using this software even before AppSumo deal and it has been amazing for me.
Jun 24, 2024
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