

Build interactive onboarding guides

With our simple & powerful Chrome Extension

About GuideSail

Picture this: you’ve just launched your shiny new app, and you’re ready to take the world by storm. But wait! Over 60% of users are about to churn in their first week because they’re confused about how to get started. They sign up, scratch their heads, and then—poof!—they close the tab and vanish into the ether. Enter GuideSail, your trusty sidekick in the battle against user confusion. With our simple and powerful Chrome Extension, you can build interactive onboarding guides in under five minutes. That’s right, five minutes! No more complex setups or expensive solutions that make you want to pull your hair out. GuideSail is designed for indie hackers and product owners who want to create a seamless onboarding experience without breaking the bank. Our tool allows you to craft custom in-app messaging, product tours, and surveys that guide users through your app like a GPS for their digital journey. You can create page-based guides that pop up when users visit specific URLs, ensuring they never feel lost again. Plus, with detailed analytics, you can track user engagement and see exactly where they drop off, giving you the insights you need to improve your product. Why did we build this? Because we believe that onboarding shouldn’t be a headache. Solutions like Intercom and Pendo are often too pricey and complicated for the average indie hacker. We wanted to create something that’s quick, easy, and affordable. With GuideSail, you get lifetime access for just $39—pay once and use forever! So, why wait? Let’s turn those confused users into loyal fans!

  • Page Based Guides

    Create & edit interactive guides on specific app pages for users.

  • Custom Trigger Guides

    Run guides based on customer triggers like time or button clicks.

  • Analytics

    Detailed analytics on user interactions with guides to identify drop-off points.

  • Chrome Extension

    Use a simple Chrome extension to build product tours quickly.

  • Lifetime Access

    One-time payment for lifetime access to all features and updates.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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