

Unlock Your Website's Potential with Faster Google Indexing

IndexRusher: The Effortless Way to Get Your Pages Discovered and Ranked

About IndexRusher

IndexRusher is a powerful tool that helps website owners and SEO professionals get their pages indexed by Google faster than ever before. With its simple, no-code interface, IndexRusher automates the indexing process, saving users valuable time and effort. Many website owners struggle with the challenge of getting their pages discovered and indexed by Google, which is crucial for improving search engine visibility and driving organic traffic. IndexRusher addresses this pain point by providing a streamlined solution that can index pages in a matter of hours, rather than days or weeks. The tool is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to anyone, regardless of their technical expertise. By submitting their website's URL to IndexRusher, users can sit back and let the tool handle the indexing process, freeing them up to focus on other important aspects of their online presence.

  • Automated Indexing

    IndexRusher automatically submits your website's pages to Google for indexing, helping you get your content discovered faster.

  • Indexing Monitoring

    IndexRusher provides detailed reports on which pages have been indexed by Google, helping you track your website's visibility.

  • 404 Error Alerts

    IndexRusher alerts you to any 404 errors on your website, allowing you to quickly fix broken links and improve user experience.

  • Bulk URL Submission

    IndexRusher lets you submit multiple URLs at once, saving you time and effort compared to manual indexing requests.

  • Pay-Once Pricing

    IndexRusher offers a one-time payment model, allowing you to use the tool indefinitely without recurring subscription fees.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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