Launch MVP

Launch MVP

Launch your AI app in minutes, not months 🚀

Validate and Build your AI SaaS idea to $10k/mo with a dev kit that will get you started in less than 48 hours.

About Launch MVP

Launch MVP is a powerful development kit that helps entrepreneurs and developers quickly validate and build their AI-powered SaaS ideas. The product is designed to save hundreds of hours of development time, allowing users to go to market and start making money within a week. The key features of Launch MVP include pre-built integrations with popular tools like Clerk for authentication, Firebase for database, Tailwind CSS for styling, OpenAI's GPT-4 for AI capabilities, Stripe for payments, and PostHog for analytics. This allows users to focus on building their core product features rather than spending time on boilerplate code. The target audience for Launch MVP is primarily early-stage startup founders and developers who want to quickly validate their AI SaaS ideas and get their first version to market. The product's value proposition is that it provides a streamlined, all-in-one solution to help users save time, make money faster, and stay ahead of the curve by integrating AI capabilities from the start.

  • Save 100+ hours on coding

    Using our dev kit you'll be saving 100+ hours of build time to launch your AI SaaS.

  • Make money

    Go to market, launch your MVP and start making money within a week.

  • Learn from the experts

    We've built businesses for the last 7 years and we'll be sharing our marketing strategies to help you make $10,000/mo.

  • Stay ahead of the curve

    We've integrated LLM API's to our dev kit to help you stay ahead and integrate AI to your tool right from the beginning.

  • Validate your ideas in 48 hours

    You'll be able to build your MVP in less than 48 hours with our dev kit.

  • Strategy to getting your first 10 customers

    With our experience we'll teach you how to get your first 10 customers in the first week.

  • Join forces with a community of startup builders

    Be part of a community builders who are shipping products on the internet every day.

  • Create landing pages for your MVP in minutes

    We'll show you how build landing pages for your MVP within minutes (Just like how we did here).

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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