

Get organized and productive in one place

Reduce the #tools, organize your work and get more done with projects, wikis and more inside liftOS

About liftOS

liftOS is a comprehensive work operating system designed to help you organize your projects, tasks, notes, files, and favorite tools all in one place. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, liftOS aims to reduce the number of tools you need to use and improve your overall productivity and organization. The primary target audience for liftOS includes operations managers, project managers, founders, students, and creative agencies who are looking for a more efficient and streamlined way to manage their work. liftOS offers a centralized platform that allows users to collaborate effortlessly, track progress on projects, and access all their important files and documents with ease. The key value proposition of liftOS is its ability to help users get more done by reducing the number of tools they need to use, improving organization, and enhancing collaboration. With built-in tools for notes, todos, files, and chat, liftOS provides a one-stop-shop for all your work-related needs, allowing you to stay focused and productive throughout the day.

  • Integrations

    Get started and customize your workspace.

  • Split View

    Work side by side with your tools. Taking notes while working on a Google Sheets? Use any tool side by side inside liftOS using split view.

  • Organize

    Keep your work organized. Want to organize your entire organisation inside liftOS? Keep your work, organized in sections and tools in folders.

  • Organize

    Work with your favourites. Integrate GoogleSuite or work with your favourite tools right inside of liftOS side by side with liftApps

  • Search

    Search everything from one place. Everything you add inside liftOS instantly becomes searchable. Stay on top of your App chaos and find everything you need in seconds.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported

Lifetime access

Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $59

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