

Your Personalized AI Meeting Automation platform

Maximize the value of your customer calls

About MeetGeek

MeetGeek is an AI-powered meeting assistant that aims to transform the way teams collaborate and stay productive. Designed for busy professionals, MeetGeek automatically records, transcribes, and summarizes every meeting, freeing you from the hassle of note-taking and ensuring that no important details are missed. With MeetGeek, you can focus on having meaningful, engaging conversations with your colleagues, clients, or partners, knowing that the platform is capturing and organizing all the key information for you. The AI-generated meeting summaries and highlights make it easy to stay on top of action items, decisions, and action points, without having to sift through lengthy recordings or transcripts. MeetGeek is built to seamlessly integrate with your existing tools and workflows, from calendars and video conferencing platforms to project management and CRM systems. This allows you to access your meeting insights and share them with your team, wherever you're getting work done. Whether you're a sales professional, a customer success manager, or a C-suite executive, MeetGeek is designed to help you and your team work smarter, not harder.

  • Auto-Recording and Transcription

    Meetings are automatically video recorded and transcribed for later revisiting.

  • Automatic Summaries

    Meetings are summarized so you only get the main points, without skimming through hours of recordings.

  • Action Items & Topic Detection

    Extract AI highlights and key topics from every meeting and catch up with past events in minutes.

  • Search Past Meetings

    Single location for all your past meetings, recordings, transcripts, and highlights.

  • Team Collaboration

    Seamlessly define teams rules to share meeting content with others.

  • Conversation Intelligence

    Unlock powerful sales and customer insights with MeetGeek's AI-driven meeting analytics.

  • Meeting Automation

    Automatically sync meeting recordings & highlights with your stack for maximum productivity.

  • Meeting Templates

    Use predefined meeting templates to quickly set you and your team for success in all types of meetings.

  • Custom Branding

    Increase your brand awareness with a branded meeting experience for your customers.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported


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