Appointment reviews reviews

Streamline your scheduling and boost your business

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48 reviews
Bene, ma si potrebbe fare meglio.

I've been trying the product for a month and a half, and all in all I can be quite satisfied: the meeting is in good quality, I receive reminder messages regularly, and I see them connected to my calendar.
The points where we can improve are the following:
- What for me is the most important: the summary ai is not accurate. He just gives me some details of the conversation and gives a summary, but it's really too imprecise. I do job interviews, and in the summary I find practically no details discussed but only a summary summary. There's the entire transcript, but it's really hard to read and not practical if you do 30 minute meetings like me.
- The availability calendar is not very customizable. If I were to take 4 hours only in one day I would have to go and change the availability for the day and then come back to fix the availability at a later time.
- The alerts via WhatsApp are only in English, while I would prefer to be able to customize them in my language (Italian).

I still have a couple of weeks before deciding, at the moment I'm undecided whether to continue with the product or not, I see many good things but some to improve (and a lot), especially with regards to the ai summary.

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not quiet ready

no unlimited version for a whole company. ai powered feature is overhyped and offers little to no value.

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White-label branding incomplete, promising concept

I like the idea behing MyMeet but as others have mentioned it still needs a little more to be considered a finished product - I'm on the fence on retaining or returning this purchase (I purchased level 3).

- Level 3 promises ability to remove branding, but all email notifications and email messages contain branding, doesnt use the details provided in the branding configuration.
- Pakistan is missing in list of countries for phone alerts, hard to miss a country of 240 million; hopefully just an oversight and not done on purpose.
- The landing page and its branding are simple and elegantly done - a suggestion to allow the customization of the text and layout on this page also.

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very convenient to have a full tool

I like to get a complete tool for the booking, the appointment and the recording with AI transcription.
The interface is very easy to understand and to use.
But there are a few bugs (one has been solved when I mention it, thank you!)
The one I've noticed today is the availability. I have not solved yet why the calendar shows me unavailable for 2 days whereas I am not, and these days are not in my holidays. I am confident this will be solved.
What I would like also, please is for "partial holidays" : change the times for a specific day: eg: I am not available from 8 to 12, but I do not have a formal appointment on my diary.

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0/10 This is NOT Business Software.

If you were on the fence about this one, don’t worry—you didn’t miss out. This will be my first refund on AppSumo, and hopefully my last.

- The dashboard and planned features are barebones at best. I was able to explore and understand the entire platform in just a few minutes, but unfortunately, it was a frustrating experience with constant buffering. The performance and connectivity leave much to be desired. I'm on GBPS Ethernet so I know it was not my side of things.

- There are several critical bugs that I was only aware of before purchasing, because I sieved through their comments here, as they’re not clearly mentioned on the website or the LTD page. For instance, meetings abruptly cut off at specific times, which is a major issue when you’re in the middle of important conversations. The meeting rooms are also limited to just seven participants, which is a dealbreaker if you’re trying to hold a board meeting with more than six others. They’ve acknowledged this in comments, but it’s not clearly stated anywhere that’s easily accessible unless you dig through the feedback.

- This platform is marketed as a meeting tool with AI summaries for "client" meetings, but upon logging into the platform it’s instantly clear it was not designed for business use. After talking to their support team, it seems is intended for personal use only. This begs the question—why was it even on AppSumo?

Let me break it down:

- You can’t create accounts for your employees. If you want to set up an account for someone else in your company, you have to buy a separate LTD and configure everything from scratch, Or pay full price on your website, but even then the accounts do not connect.... all of their configuration is separate - which defeats the purpose of having a company account. I originally bought this LTD thinking it could be a useful tool for our company, especially with the personalized and branded meeting pages and AI summaries, which we’re already paying for elsewhere. The potential to resell it as a service was appealing, but those hopes were quickly dashed. It seems we will be staying where we have been for awhile now when it comes to virtual meetings and AI summaries.

- They do have an "enterprise dashboard" planned, but none of us Sumolings will be grandfathered into it. We’ll have to pay full price or get a small discount. Feels like they're spitting in our food before they serve it to us with this one fellow Sumolings. But hey ! At least we get a discount! (Sarcasm)

The reason I’m writing this is simple: @AppSumo, if someone is launching on your platform, they need to be offering business software. That’s what your audience expects, and that’s what you should be delivering. @Mymeetio, don’t launch personal software on AppSumo. If you do, make sure it’s crystal clear everywhere that it’s not intended for B2B use or by companies. This software is strictly for personal use, and if you plan to use it for business, you’d better be the only one involved. Though I assume you know that if you had done that - not a single SumoLing would have purchased this LTD.

The only way I’d reconsider my refund is if they include 50-100 sub-accounts for the enterprise dashboard in this T3 LTD at no extra cost. Sure, Limit them, I don't want this platform to go under from overextension - that being said this situation is still ridiculous, and this platform never should have been on AppSumo in its current state. They should have waited and launched the enterprise dashboard instead—why a personal tool is here in the first place is beyond me. Why anyone would need a paid personal meeting platform akin to business branding for just themselves as an individual with AI summaries - when google meet is a thing built for those people which is free, Is also quite beyond me. Lets be honest AI Summaries are for sales teams. Not personal meetings.

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Promising but not quite there yet.

I got this because Sessions is underwater and I like to have multiple video conferencing options in case I'm having a problem with one. I have Vivomeetings, which is pretty good but the quality can be up and down. It's also a bit more complicated, especially when tying into TidyCal, so I liked the idea of having a one-stop-shop where I can have the client book and then connect via video on the same platform. MyMeet COULD be this solution - it COULD be amazing, but it's not quite there yet.

First, I want to say I think the team is making a mistake if they think the selling point here is the alternative to Calendly. We already have TidyCal, which works great and is 10 times cheaper at the top tier. Literally 10 times cheaper.

Second, it's great that they are integrating other video conferencing but that is not why I bought MyMeet. I don't want to pay for this AND Zoom.

What I want is a simple yet robust and reliable video conferencing solution that my clients can easily book with and use.

I've only tested MyMeet for half a day but I've found a couple of problems - AI summary not generating, recorded video quality on download was super jagged even after I selected HD, calendar not synching properly.

Support has responded to me almost immediately and I see they are working hard and actively have a roadmap. I am less worried about these bugs than their long-term plans and whether they will keep improving the video conferencing, which is the main reason I purchased this.

Other features I want but don't have - NO CLOUD RECORDING, which is a big negative here, and a very small limit on the video conferencing participants.

**I want to be able to have the client book the session, meet with me, and then afterwards they can automatically be sent the cloud recording with AI Summary and Transcript.**

IF MyMeet can get that set up, THEN they have a winner. Not just "Calendly alternative."

Money is really tight right now and I'm debating on whether to keep this in hopes they will get this functionality working soon or refund. But this is promising. If money weren't tight I'd have no problems keeping this in hopes they move forward positively (and don't fail in a year like Sessions).

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Excellent Support

I've tried it, and it worked for me. I was promised Hungarian localization as well, so I will continue using it. It's excellent for consultancy services.

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Not Ready For Prime Time. Disappointed.

I shouldn't have used my Plus Award for this. That's the bottom line.

While this platform has a lot of potential, it falls short of meeting the promises. Not a good fit for multi-coach business. Digital business cards are not very customizable. You will need to modify your business processes and workflow to fit this platform rather than the other way around.

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Excited to try but left dissappointed.

This product was really a great step for us to move away from Zoom, Calendly and our calendar apps. But I soon stumbled on features it was lacking. Maybe if these features are being supported in the future, we would reconsider using this software.

1. The ability to move a meeting:
I had my first call booked with a team member and for some reason I could not make the meeting. I logged into the app and try to edit the meeting but it didn't work and I wasn't able to change the date and time for the meeting.

2. Not able to add buffer before and after calls:
I had a couple of calls booked and wanted to set a buffer in between calls so that it doesn't book calls after each other. I saw that there wasn't this option which was kind off a deal breaker for us. It seems like such a basic feature in booking apps.

3. Meeting Cut-off times:
I had a client book a meeting with me for 30min. When we reached 30min, without a warning the meeting cut both of us off and I was left with a red face. Almost like when you use the free version of Zoom and you have to rudely interrupt your client to say the meeting is going to end in one minute. This had none of those warnings. It cut us both off and I had to resend an instant meeting link. This was a big NO NO especially on a tier 3 plan.

4. Instant meetings don't have AI summaries:
When I had an instant call with a contractor, we quickly jumped on a call using the instant meeting. But after the meeting was done, I went to check the AI notes and it said that the AI notes will be ready when the meeting has concluded. This was Yesterday.

So with all these issues, I am unfortunately not convinced that this is ready for clients or teams. It is a great choice if you don't want something professional. But I would much rather pay for a Zoom subscription than to avoid going through all these issues again.

What did work well:

1. Ease of setup
2. Branding
3. Creating meeting links
4. Getting notified when a booking was made via Whatsapp.
Purchased from:
Amazing tool!!

I've been using this tool for a while, and it’s truly transformative. Its intuitive design and smart AI features make scheduling a breeze, while the crystal-clear video quality elevates every call. The easy branding options add a polished, professional touch, making it an indispensable asset for efficient meetings.

Aug 22, 2024
Umang Rathod
Umang Rathod
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AI-Powered Meetings

It uses AI to create meeting summaries and supports multiple languages, making scheduling and communication super easy. MyMeet helps you stay on top of things and keep everyone connected. Definitely worth checking out!

Aug 22, 2024
Kushal Thakkar
Kushal Thakkar
Purchased from:
Easy to use - superb application

I found the software pretty user-friendly, with features that are simple and amazing.

Aug 22, 2024
Divya Ladha
Divya Ladha
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