

The world's most popular workflow automation platform for technical teams

Secure, AI-native workflow automation

About n8n

n8n is a powerful workflow automation tool that helps technical teams automate their processes and integrate their tools with ease. It exists to solve the problem of complex, fragmented workflows that are difficult to manage and maintain. n8n is designed for technical users who need to automate a wide range of tasks, from IT operations to security, DevOps, and sales. The key value proposition of n8n is its ability to connect disparate tools and systems, allowing users to build autonomous, multi-step workflows that save time and improve efficiency. With over 400 pre-built integrations, n8n makes it easy to plug in your own data and tools, and even leverage advanced AI capabilities to enrich your workflows. n8n is a secure, AI-native platform that is both powerful and user-friendly. It allows you to code when you need to, but also provides a visual interface for those who prefer a more drag-and-drop approach. Whether you're automating onboarding processes, enriching security incident tickets, or analyzing GitHub PRs for vulnerabilities, n8n has the flexibility and capabilities to handle your most complex automation needs.

  • Visual Workflow Editor

    Easily build complex workflows using a drag-and-drop interface with no code required.

  • Run JavaScript

    Extend workflows with custom JavaScript code when needed.

  • npm Package Import

    Leverage thousands of open-source npm packages to add advanced functionality to your workflows.

  • Workflow Pausing

    Pause workflows to wait for external events or user input before continuing.

  • Conditional Logic and Branching

    Build complex workflows with conditional logic and branching to handle different scenarios.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

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