

Fast and focused notes for you and your team

Powerful notes app for individuals and teams. Fast, focused, always in sync.

About Notejoy

Notejoy is a powerful notes app designed to help individuals and teams capture ideas, collaborate seamlessly, and access their collective knowledge with lightning-fast speed. Built for the modern workplace, Notejoy is the fastest way to get thoughts out of your head and into a shared space. Its intuitive interface and real-time syncing make it easy to jot down notes, attach files, and bring your team together - whether you're working side-by-side or across time zones. With Notejoy, you can search your team's collective knowledge base to find exactly what you need, when you need it. No more hunting through endless email threads or document folders. Notejoy's powerful search capabilities put your company's institutional memory at your fingertips, helping you make informed decisions and stay aligned as your business grows.

  • Fast and Focused Notes App

    Notejoy is a fast and focused notes app designed for teams to collaborate and share information efficiently.

  • Team Collaboration

    Notejoy allows teams to collaborate on notes, share information, and stay organized.

  • Login and Signup

    Notejoy provides a login and signup functionality for users to access the app.

  • Pricing Options

    Notejoy offers pricing options for users, including a free plan and paid plans.

  • Feature Pages

    Notejoy has dedicated feature pages that provide more information about the product's capabilities.

What everyone's saying

1 review
Best replacemenet for Evernote
I love NoteJoy and use it as my primary note taking app. The best feature is hashtag tagging. It automatically sorts your notes into categories and subcategories based on your tags. On the first line of each note I put my tags. The ability to have multiple tags means I could put in the following and the note would automatically show up under productivity, work and the notetaking subcategory under productivity: #productivity/notetaking #work It has apps for windows, mac, ios and android. And I love that the formatting toolbar is always on screen.
May 28, 2024
Purchased from: notejoy.com

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