

User Interface/Experience Design - Collaborative and Creative

Enhance collaborative digital teamwork. Prototype, design, program, and deliver seamlessly with the all-in-one tool Pixso.

About Pixso

Pixso is an all-in-one UI/UX design tool that enables teams to prototype, design, and deliver seamless digital experiences. With Pixso, designers can create high-fidelity prototypes with interactive animations, while developers can access code snippets to streamline the development process. One of the key features of Pixso is its real-time collaboration capabilities. Team members can work together on the same project simultaneously, with changes synced in real-time. This helps ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal. Pixso also offers a wide range of design components and templates to help users quickly create professional-looking designs. The tool's intuitive interface and powerful features make it easy for designers of all skill levels to bring their ideas to life. Whether you're a designer, developer, or project manager, Pixso has the tools you need to create exceptional digital products. With its collaborative features and comprehensive design capabilities, Pixso is the ultimate tool for teams looking to streamline their design process and deliver better results faster.

  • Real-time Collaboration

    Invite team members via links to design collaboratively on the cloud. Font size, border, color, and other details can be synchronized in real time.

  • Intelligent UI Design Tool

    Pixso provides component variants, automatic layout, UI/UX design, and prototype playback, allowing you to complete high-fidelity product design with a single tool.

  • High-fidelity Prototype

    Pixso can predict user needs, plan page interaction, play prototypes, and simulate the final product form, helping teams avoid invalid input and enrich the core value of the product.

  • Link Delivery

    Pixso supports full-stack prototype, design, and delivery, enabling seamless collaboration and code generation.

  • Online Whiteboard

    Pixso Whiteboard offers an infinite canvas and powerful built-in templates for real-time collaboration and ideation.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows 10 (64 bit) and above
  • macOS 10.11 and above


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