Postly reviews

Transform Your Social Media Presence with Postly's AI-Powered Tools

What everyone's saying

68 reviews
a bit slow and not responsive
Unfortunately, unlike my expectations it's a bit slow and not well responsive.
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Used to be good.
Postly used to be a relatively good piece of kit, but you can no longer save posts as drafts which renders it pretty much useless in my opinion. It's possible to schedule posts, so if that's how you work this could be a good fit. If you prefer to first create posts, without committing to a date/time to post, I'd look for an alternative I wish I was still within my 60-day refund period, but sadly this isn't the case.
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Helpful in some areas.
Postly has been very helpful in some areas. It is helpful to be able to post across platforms. Some areas aren't as easy to use and there are definitely some limitations related to the AI components. There have also been some instances where posts have not posted or there have been duplicate posts on IG. It would be helpful if there were greater options for content creation ideas (for example, more holidays or sample templates).
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Used to be a good tool
Postly was great when it started out, but is now basically of no use to anyone trying to automate their twitter account. You can't use it unless you pay $100/month to twitter. I don't know how the Postly team can think this is okay. It's left me with a pretty useless tool.
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Great social media tool
I really like postly. I wished they would focus more on the real management part of the social media channels rather than "fancy" stuff like AI. e.g. I would just love to have basic things like reposting a post not just every Month or every Year (rather something like every 2 months or 3 months or every 6 months but the gap is big between 1 month and 1 year). Sometimes the platform crashes and I need to redo my posts and they promise a lot of "we will do it" but then it takes a long time or nothing happens (e.g. for almost a year I am waiting for the 3 months or other reocurrence) Overall a good tool and would support them again because it has potential but they should really focus on the core basics to make it more marketer friendly.
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Great tool for social média managers
As a social media manager, I have tried various tools to streamline my daily tasks and enhance my productivity. However, none have impressed me quite like Postly. This incredible tool, powered by artificial intelligence, has revolutionized the way I approach social media management. With its intuitive interface and intelligent automation features, Postly has become an indispensable asset for me and my team.
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Still Waitin...
I bought this a while ago to stop paying the obscene fees of others, but it looks like I have to keep paying because there is still NO mobile app. How many people, especially on social, are chained to a computer in 2023? Mobile-first. Mobile-first. Mobile-first. It's a great set of tools, but truly *critical* things are lacking. They say the mobile app is coming for Facebook and Instagram, not the entire suite of socials, which is explicitly why I got it, along with analytics. I don't use those two channels, so the mobile app will still be useless to me. Most people using AppSumo are not 12-year old kids, they're professionals. Those channels have value, sure, but not nearly as much as they used to, maybe 5 years ago or more, but not now. I asked months ago when 2FA authentication was coming, not just for the web, but for the mobile app...still nothing. I am not connecting critical business apps and comms to something that is not secured. So after a few tries of the product, I had to stop, because --- my Facebook got hacked after using it. Why? No 2FA. I give three tacos for all the amazing tools and integration, yes, all awesome, but start with the critical core services first, then do all the other AI add-on, and other goodies, not the other way around.
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Pretty good!
It has worked pretty well so far on my end and integrates with all popular social media sites. Has lots of potential especially with AI integration. The UI needs some work, it can definitely be improved.
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Pass . . . unfortunately it just doesn't work
I really wanted to like this program. I tried to run a series of scheduled marketing campaigns (FB, Insta, LinkedIn, Twitter) that included reoccurring posts. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work the way I expected. Bugs identified with the calendering. Bugs and problems with security settings with target applications would cause the account to be immediately disconnected. As others have noted, I felt customer service was less than responsive and that my problems and concerns were noted, but not resolved. They are always really busy. After months of waiting for things to get sorted, I am bailing. I am not eligible for a refund, but maybe I can save you a few $ on the front end, but more importantly time and frustration.
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Nice UI; Backend Needs Work for Video Posts
All kinds of trouble posting videos. Trouble really started with H.265 encoded mp4 videos. If you hope to post a video, encode with H.264 and don't expect support to understand this when your video won't play back or post. Most platforms can handle H.265 but Postly does not yet. Another issue with video posts was #hashtags getting replaced by the #postly hashtag. Maybe I chose too many but give me a limit per platform please. Lastly, once the trouble starts, who knows when it will end. New posts get stuck with an endlessly spinning "Scheduling..." button that never completes. Postly is currently unavailable on AppSumo, but if it ever returns, I hope it's much improved for video posting. Here's hoping the devs work out the issues and getting it working correctly. I like the simplicity of the UI. Now if they just fix the backend issues I think it will become a pretty good app and earn another taco.
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Didn't save me time
This app has so many bugs. And most questions are answered with that is coming. I didn't like the layout, it's quite confusing after using the Meta Business. I had to connect and reconnect my Instagram account constantly. I got a refund. I'll keep using Meta Business for now. The only thing I'll miss is the reoccurring button.
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$59 down the drain
We had very high hopes for Postly when we bought it 2 months ago. Unfortunately, Postly performed way below the standards. We used Postly to post reels/shorts on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram & TikTok twice or thrice a week. Even after following Postly's Content Format Guidelines here are some facts: • Not once Postly was successful in posting on TikTok & Instagram, • Sometimes, Postly wouldn't publish the post at the scheduled time & it would still show 'Scheduled' even after refreshing it several times, • If you Schedule two Posts (1 reel & 1 image) Postly would switch their captions (For all platforms), • Lastly, the point where we said enough is enough & started looking for other tools better than Postly even if it meant paying extra money because Postly had already cost us so much time. For the last several days, whenever we scheduled a post 2-3 of the issues mentioned above occured simultaneously & whatever you write in the caption Postly would Post the content without any caption. Its not about how much money or time we wasted using Postly its the trust that we put in Postly that is now lost forever.
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