Automate the merchandising grunt work on your product catalog

Our AI models generate product & lifestyle photos, create missing metadata & tags, and write sales-driving copy - across 100,000’s of SKUs at once.


In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, managing a product catalog can be a daunting task. steps in as a game-changer, designed to automate the merchandising grunt work that often bogs down businesses. Imagine a tool that not only generates stunning product and lifestyle photos but also creates missing metadata and tags, all while writing compelling sales-driven copy. This is not just a dream; it’s the reality that offers to brands and marketplaces alike. With the power of advanced AI models, can handle hundreds of thousands of SKUs simultaneously, making it an essential tool for scaling your business. Whether you’re onboarding new products or optimizing existing listings, this platform simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—growing your brand. The ability to generate studio-quality images without the hassle of traditional photo shoots means you can present your products in the best light, literally and figuratively. But it doesn’t stop there. also validates and enriches your metadata, ensuring that your products are not only visually appealing but also easily discoverable by potential customers. In a market where visibility is key, having optimized product copy can significantly increase your chances of conversion. This tool is designed for eCommerce businesses that want to streamline their operations and enhance their online presence, making it a must-have in today’s digital landscape.

  • Standardized Silo Images

    Create standardized framing, lighting, background, and layout and shadow for every product in your catalog.

  • On-brand Lifestyle Photos

    Generate product lifestyle photos that are on brand and consistent across every SKU.

  • Data Extraction from Images

    Extract missing data fields like materials, color, and dimensions from vendor-supplied product images.

  • Re-format Data Automatically

    Take any vendor supplied data point and reformat it to fit the structure of your catalog.

  • SEO Optimize Each Product Listing

    Ensure your products are ranking high on Google by SEO optimizing every product description.

  • Auto-generate On-brand Copy

    Train AI on your brand tone and style so it can automatically rewrite any product SKUs copy to match.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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