

Performing keyword research has never been easier.

You are just a click away from finding (real) keywords that should matter the most!

About RankAtom

RankAtom is a powerful keyword research tool that helps businesses and marketers find the perfect keywords to boost their online visibility and drive more organic traffic to their websites. With RankAtom, you can quickly discover easy-to-rank keywords that are tailored to your specific niche. The tool's data-driven insights and advanced filtering capabilities allow you to identify low-competition keywords that your competitors may have overlooked, giving you a competitive edge in the search engine results pages (SERPs). RankAtom's intuitive interface makes it easy to analyze the SERP landscape, pinpoint weak spots, and track your rankings over time. Whether you're a small business owner, a content strategist, or an SEO agency, RankAtom provides the tools and insights you need to dominate your industry and achieve your online marketing goals.

  • Intent-based Filtering

    Filter keywords based on the search intent like per-purchase, post-purchase, transactional, high intent, etc.

  • Identify Weak Spots

    A data-driven approach to find out if a given keyword is easy to rank based on the domain authority, UGC website, etc.

  • Generate Keyword Ideas

    Extract keywords directly from Google autocomplete and know what your users are trying to search on Google.

  • Keyword Clustering

    Cluster keywords based on the SERP that has similar search intent according to Google.

  • Wildcard (*) Searching

    Uncover those unique keyword combinations that others simply overlook.

  • Rank Tracking

    Keep track of your and competitors' rank daily, weekly, and monthly.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



What everyone's saying

1 review
Good tool to find easy to rank long tail keywords
Though in terms of features, rankatom is not yet on par with low fruits, it offers good enough features to get the ball rolling. The development seems to be a bit slow - but at least it’s functioning well enough to justify the investment. Hope for more value add with time!
May 21, 2024
Purchased from:

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