

The AI That Plugs Your Product on Reddit and Twitter

ReplyGuy mentions your product in conversations naturally

About ReplyGuy

ReplyGuy is an innovative AI-powered tool that helps businesses naturally promote their products on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter. By intelligently analyzing online conversations and crafting contextually relevant replies, ReplyGuy subtly mentions your product, driving organic engagement and generating leads. With ReplyGuy, you no longer need to spend countless hours manually monitoring social media and writing personalized responses. The AI takes care of the heavy lifting, identifying high-quality, recent, and relevant posts where your product can genuinely add value to the discussion. It then generates helpful and insightful replies that include a natural mention of your offering. Whether you're a small startup looking to gain traction or an established brand aiming to expand your reach, ReplyGuy is the perfect solution. By leveraging the power of AI, you can effortlessly tap into the vast potential of social media marketing, connecting with your target audience in a way that feels authentic and non-intrusive.

  • Automated Social Media Replies

    ReplyGuy's AI automatically generates relevant, helpful replies to mentions of your product on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter.

  • Keyword Tracking

    ReplyGuy allows you to select keywords relevant to your product, and the platform will track mentions of those keywords across the web.

  • Intelligent Post Selection

    ReplyGuy's AI chooses high-quality, recent, and relevant posts where your product deserves a shoutout in the replies.

  • Customizable Subscription Plans

    ReplyGuy offers a range of subscription plans to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes, from a free plan to an enterprise-level plan.

  • 24/7 Support

    ReplyGuy provides 24/7 customer support to help you get the most out of the platform.

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Platforms supported

  • Web

Browsers supported


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