

Your AI assistant that has all the context

Rewind is a personalized AI powered by everything you've seen, said, or heard. Your colleagues will wonder how you do it all.

About Rewind

Rewind is a revolutionary AI assistant that aims to transform the way we work and live. Imagine never forgetting a single detail, no matter how small - that's the power of Rewind. At its core, Rewind is a personalized AI that captures everything you see, say, and hear on your computer. Whether it's a crucial meeting, an important email, or a fleeting thought, Rewind has your back. With its advanced compression technology, Rewind can store years of your digital history on even the smallest hard drive, giving you a comprehensive record of your work and life. But Rewind is more than just a digital archive. It's a true productivity powerhouse, helping you stay organized, focused, and in control. With features like automated note-taking, meeting summaries, and the ability to search your entire history, Rewind frees you from the burden of manual record-keeping, allowing you to devote your energy to the tasks that matter most. Rewind's target audience is anyone who wants to work smarter, better, and faster - from busy executives and engineers to sales professionals and individuals with ADHD. By providing a personalized AI assistant that knows your every move, Rewind empowers you to overcome the limitations of your own memory and achieve new levels of productivity and success.

  • Automated Note-Taking and Meeting Summaries

    Rewind automatically records and transcribes meetings, providing human-level meeting summaries that can be easily shared with colleagues.

  • Backup and Retrieval of Lost Work

    Rewind automatically backs up all your work, allowing you to easily retrieve lost information or details without wasting time.

  • Personalized AI Assistant

    Rewind provides a personalized AI assistant that can handle tasks, capture notes, and summarize information for you, leveraging the power of GPT-4.

  • Privacy-First Approach

    Rewind is designed with a privacy-first approach, storing all recordings locally on your device and never sending your data to the cloud.

  • Improved Productivity and Focus

    Rewind helps you stay present and focused in meetings, while also providing peace of mind and a sense of limitless memory.

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Platforms supported

  • macOS
  • iOS

Browsers supported



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