

Personalized videos at scale

to book more meetings

About Salemaker

Salemaker is a powerful sales tool that helps businesses create personalized videos at scale to boost engagement and drive more meetings. The platform's key features include voice cloning, face-syncing, and script personalization, allowing users to customize videos with unlimited variables tailored to each lead. The problem Salemaker solves is the challenge of creating personalized video content at scale. Traditional video production is time-consuming and expensive, making it difficult for sales teams to create personalized videos for each prospect. Salemaker's AI-powered technology streamlines this process, enabling users to generate thousands of personalized videos in minutes. Salemaker's target audience is primarily sales teams and B2B marketers who need to create engaging, personalized video content to stand out in a crowded market. By automating the video creation process, Salemaker helps these professionals save time and resources while delivering a more personalized and effective sales experience for their prospects.

  • Voice Cloning

    Using state-of-the-art voice cloning, your prospects will get a high level of engagement, just like if you were there speaking to them.

  • Face-syncing

    Your lips will be synced to match the script with any personalization you've added, making it versatile for any kind of video.

  • Personalization

    Customize your script to include an unlimited number of variables tailored to each lead.

  • Landing Pages

    Every video gets its own sharable landing page with your branding, personalized messaging, video, and calendar integration.

  • Thumbnails

    Every video also comes with highly personalized thumbnails to stand out when you are sending videos on any platform.

  • Dynamic Backgrounds

    Each video will have a recording of your lead's website and some basic interaction to make them more lively. Multiple transitions are supported and a range of custom actions.

  • Tracking & Analytics

    Track how many of your leads are opening the landing pages, how long they are watching the videos, and whether they take any actions.

  • Enrichment from web

    Get your script enriched with data from your lead's website and specify a custom prompt to use that data to further personalize each video.

  • Dubbing

    Each video can be dubbed for a number of supported languages such as French, Spanish, Arabic, and dozens more. Coming Soon.

  • Captions

    Have you seen those annoying captions all over social media? If you want them, we can plug them into the video. Coming Soon.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported


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