

Automate Your Facebook Lead Management

Instantly sync leads to your CRM, email, SMS, and spreadsheets

About SaveMyLeads

SaveMyLeads is the ultimate solution for businesses struggling to keep up with the flood of leads from Facebook advertising. No more tedious CSV downloads or manual data entry - SaveMyLeads automatically syncs your Facebook leads in real-time to your CRM, email, SMS, and spreadsheets. With instant notifications and customizable integrations, you can respond to leads faster than ever before, boosting your chances of conversion. SaveMyLeads is a game-changer for marketers, agencies, and entrepreneurs who want to streamline their lead management and focus on closing deals, not chasing paperwork.

  • Real-Time Lead Sync

    Instantly sync new leads from Facebook Lead Ads to your CRM, email, SMS, and spreadsheet tools.

  • Unlimited Ad Accounts and Forms

    Connect unlimited Facebook ad accounts and lead forms to SaveMyLeads to sync leads across your entire business.

  • Integrations with 50+ Systems

    Integrate SaveMyLeads with your CRM, email, SMS, and spreadsheet tools to automatically route new leads.

  • Email and Chat Support

    Get email and chat support from the SaveMyLeads team to help you set up and optimize your lead integrations.

  • Auto Failure Resync

    SaveMyLeads will automatically resync any leads that fail to sync the first time to ensure no leads are lost.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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