MarketingEmail MarketingSendBridge


Accurate and fast email checker

Protect your sender reputation and reduce your bounce rate with email verification service. Keep your mailing lists free of invalid, risky, and mistaken email addresses.

About SendBridge

Imagine this: you’re a solopreneur, juggling a million tasks, and your email marketing is your lifeline. But wait! You just sent out a campaign to a list filled with invalid, risky, and downright ghostly email addresses. Yikes! Your sender reputation is on the line, and your bounce rate is skyrocketing. Enter SendBridge, your new best friend in the world of email verification. This isn’t just any email checker; it’s your secret weapon to protect your precious sender reputation and ensure your emails land where they belong—in your customers’ inboxes. With SendBridge, you can kiss those pesky bounce rates goodbye. Our AI-powered verification service swiftly flags invalid or undeliverable emails, while also identifying those sneaky spam traps and disposable addresses. It’s like having a bouncer for your email list, ensuring only the best and most reliable addresses get through. And the best part? You can start with 100 free verifications every month. That’s right! No strings attached, just pure email-cleaning goodness. But wait, there’s more! Our detailed verification reports categorize every email address as Deliverable, Undeliverable, Risky, or Unknown. You’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with, allowing you to clean your list with confidence. Plus, our user-friendly app makes it a breeze to upload your email list and download the results in your favorite format. It’s so easy, even your grandma could do it! So, why do you need SendBridge? Because every verified email counts! Don’t let invalid addresses drag down your email marketing efforts. With our service, you’ll not only improve your deliverability but also enhance your overall email marketing strategy. Say goodbye to the spam folder and hello to higher engagement rates. Your business deserves it!

  • AI-powered verification

    Quickly flags invalid or undeliverable emails and identifies risky types.

  • Detailed email verification reports

    Categorizes every email address as Deliverable, Undeliverable, Risky, or Unknown.

  • Simple app

    Easily upload your email list and download verification results.

  • Real-time email verification API

    Integrate real-time email verifier with popular coding languages.

  • Email list cleaning

    Keeps your contact list clean from wrong, risky, or misspelled addresses.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


Developed by

CORE LABS s.r.o.


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