

Video for sales, that scales

Book more meetings, close more deals, and accelerate the sales cycle with Sendspark.

About Sendspark

Sendspark is a powerful video platform that helps sales teams connect with customers and prospects in a more personal and engaging way. With Sendspark, you can easily record custom videos to share with your audience, cutting through the noise and building real human connections. The platform's key features include the ability to easily record personalized video introductions, combine them with pre-recorded content to scale your outreach, and customize video thumbnails to make your messages stand out. Sendspark's AI-powered personalization tools also allow you to deliver a tailored experience for each viewer, ensuring your videos are relevant and impactful. Sendspark's target audience is primarily sales teams and B2B marketers who are looking to humanize their outreach and drive better results. By using Sendspark, these professionals can boost email responses, increase conversions, and accelerate the sales cycle - all while providing a more personalized and enjoyable experience for their customers.

  • AI Personalized Sales Videos

    Shoot just one video, then automatically personalize each video for each viewer with AI.

  • AI Voice & Video Cloning

    Create highly personalized videos for sales sequences and email outreach campaigns.

  • Dynamic Backgrounds

    Automatically add the website or LinkedIn profile of your prospect to your video.

  • Personalized Video Pages

    Share in email or on branded landing pages with your logo & a call-to-action.

  • Record One Video

    Create one video of yourself with a placeholder for your viewer's first name. This will get filled in with AI!

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Platforms supported

  • macOS
  • Windows

Browsers supported


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