Product DevelopmentShipFlutter


Ship everywhere with Flutter. Fast!

More than a boilerplate. A fully customizable starter kit to seamlessly launch responsive Android, iOS, and Web apps with Flutter powered by Firebase and AI.

About ShipFlutter

Welcome to ShipFlutter, where we believe that launching your app should be as easy as pie! Forget the days of wrestling with overly complicated boilerplates that leave you tangled in code. With our fully customizable starter kit, you can launch responsive Android, iOS, and Web apps powered by Firebase and Vertex AI in a snap. Imagine having the power of AI at your fingertips, allowing you to generate and customize your project without breaking a sweat. Why waste months when you can ship in days? Our mission is simple: to help you succeed without the headache of reinventing the wheel. We know that 90% of products fail, and we’re here to change that statistic. With ShipFlutter, you can focus on what truly matters—building your app and getting it out into the world. Our platform is designed to be responsive, multiplatform, and production-ready, ensuring that your app is secure, fast, and scalable. But wait, there’s more! You only pay for what you need. Choose from a variety of modules like onboarding, authentication, and AI integration, and add them as your project grows. This means you can keep your costs down while still having access to all the features you need to make your app shine. So, whether you’re a solopreneur with a brilliant idea or a seasoned developer looking for a better way to launch, ShipFlutter is your go-to solution. Let's get building!

  • Customizable Modules

    Select and pay only for the modules you need for your app.

  • AI-Powered Builder

    Generate and customize your project using an AI-powered builder.

  • Responsive Design

    Launch apps that are responsive across Android, iOS, and Web platforms.

  • End-to-End Support

    Get support from idea to MVP in just 30 days.

  • Transparent Pricing

    Pay per module based on complexity and hours required.

  • Production-Ready Features

    Includes essential features for launching apps quickly and efficiently.

Platforms supported

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Web

Browsers supported


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