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Company signals for data-driven investors

Discover growing companies, improve your outreaches, monitor your portfolio, and make more informed decisions using our exclusive datasets.

About Signl

Signl is a powerful tool that helps data-driven investors discover and monitor the growth of promising companies. By aggregating and quantifying signals from modern data sources like media coverage, social buzz, web traffic, and hiring intent, Signl provides investors with a comprehensive view of a company's traction and momentum. The platform's AI-powered algorithms analyze these signals to uncover valuable insights, such as hiring trends, funding rounds, partnerships, and product launches. This allows investors to identify high-potential companies early on and make more informed decisions about their portfolio. Signl's target audience is primarily venture capitalists, angel investors, and other professionals who need to stay on top of the latest developments in the startup ecosystem. By providing a centralized platform to track and analyze these signals, Signl helps its users save time, improve their outreach, and make more strategic investments.

  • Company Signal Discovery

    Signl aggregates and quantifies evidence of company traction using modern data sources like media coverage, social buzz, web traffic, and hiring intent.

  • Hiring Signals

    Signl tracks hiring and headcount changes as leading signals of company growth.

  • Finance Signals

    Signl monitors investments, funding, and other finance-related signals.

  • Partnership Signals

    Signl tracks companies joining forces and other partnership-related signals.

  • Portfolio Monitoring

    Signl allows users to explore famous investor portfolios and the companies they have invested in.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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