

The browser for web developers

Before Sizzy: web development is stressing you out, responsive design is hard, you have an overwhelming amount of opened tabs and apps. After Sizzy: all the tools you need are in one place, responsive design is a breeze, no more context switching.

About Sizzy

Sizzy is the ultimate browser for web developers, providing a comprehensive set of tools to streamline the development process and make responsive design a breeze. With Sizzy, developers can test their websites on multiple devices and under various conditions simultaneously, eliminating the need for countless open tabs and apps. Sizzy offers a range of intuitive features that allow developers to investigate and resolve visual bugs quickly and efficiently. Its customizable layouts and comprehensive screenshot and recording capabilities ensure that design presentations always look polished and professional. Whether working on a single project or juggling multiple ones, Sizzy makes context switching seamless and intuitive. By saving all data and configurations with each project, developers can pick up right where they left off, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. Sizzy represents a modern workflow for web development, much like how CI/CD has revolutionized deploying sites via FTP. Once experienced, developers will never want to return to using regular browsers for their work. Sizzy is the missing tool that web developers have been waiting for, empowering them to focus on their products and ideas while leaving the stress of responsive design behind.

  • A/B Testing

    Sizzy provides a way for A/B testing within the tool, allowing access to device details for conditional logic and testing. Debug logic can be isolated to Sizzy, avoiding user exposure.

  • API Inspector

    The API Inspector panel in Sizzy helps monitor, test, and troubleshoot APIs efficiently. It supports REST, GraphQL, and form requests with well-formatted responses.

  • Butler Workflows

    Sizzy's Butler feature speeds up daily tasks with commands for color formats, string operations, npm searches, and more.

  • Butler

    Sizzy's Butler feature enables command triggering via shortcuts for various tasks within the tool.

  • Color Scheme

    Sizzy allows testing components for light and dark themes to ensure compatibility.

  • console.log for CSS

    Sizzy enables logging CSS information by adding custom class names to elements, enhancing debugging.

  • Console

    Sizzy's console aggregates logs from all devices, offering improved filtering compared to Devtools console.

  • Cookies Editor

    Sizzy's cookies editor simplifies viewing and editing page cookies without navigating through Devtools.

  • CSS Overrides

    Sizzy supports custom CSS styles for all devices and individual elements, facilitating experimentation and quick editing.

  • Custom Debugging Panel Tabs

    Sizzy allows pinning websites as panels in the Debugging Panel for easy access to tools like Storybook and GraphQL Playground.

  • Custom Headers

    Sizzy enables defining and toggling custom request headers for specific needs.

  • Debug Styles

    Sizzy offers various debugging tools, including z-index visualization and custom debugging classes.

  • Debugging Panel

    Sizzy's Debugging Panel provides essential features for app debugging, enhancing the development process.

  • Design Mode

    Sizzy's design mode allows quick edits on pages without direct code manipulation.

  • Device Simulation

    Sizzy facilitates convenient website simulation with various scenarios like color schemes, network speed, and more.

  • Disable Navigation Sync

    Sizzy allows disabling navigation sync for individual device navigation stacks.

  • Enable CORS

    Sizzy allows enabling CORS requests for seamless development without browser restrictions.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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