

Save hours creating personalized presentations

Enable your teams to automatically create data-driven content in 40% less time with SlideFill

About SlideFill

Imagine a world where creating presentations doesn’t feel like pulling teeth. SlideFill was born out of sheer frustration—too many talented folks were stuck in the endless loop of preparing slides instead of actually pitching their brilliant ideas. We saw sellers crafting decks instead of dazzling clients, marketers churning out cookie-cutter content instead of connecting with their audience, and case studies gathering dust instead of shining online. In this age of generative AI and automation, we realized that personalization is the secret sauce to stand out. SlideFill makes it a breeze to whip up data-driven presentations at scale, so you can focus on what really matters: making an impact. Our team? A mix of revenue operations wizards and tech-savvy entrepreneurs, all united by a common goal: to revolutionize how businesses create content. We believe that everyone, from solopreneurs to large teams, deserves tools that empower them to create stunning presentations without the headache. With SlideFill, you can transform your data into captivating slides in just a few clicks, leaving you more time to do what you love—selling, marketing, and building relationships. So, if you’re tired of the presentation grind and ready to elevate your game, SlideFill is your new best friend. Let’s ditch the drudgery and embrace the future of presentation creation together!

  • Automatic Data-Driven Presentations

    Create personalized presentations using data from Google Sheets in seconds.

  • Easy Setup Process

    Set up data-driven presentations in just three clicks.

  • Unlimited Usage

    Use the application without any payment or limitations.

  • Integration with Google Sheets and Slides

    Seamlessly integrate with Google Sheets for data and Google Slides for templates.

  • Bulk Presentation Creation

    Generate multiple unique presentations from a single data source quickly.

  • Tailored Marketing Content

    Create marketing content tailored to specific audience demographics.

  • Case Study Generation

    Automatically produce case studies showcasing client success stories.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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