

Pair program with your codebase

Squire is your AI pair programmer: chat with your codebase, get an AI code review, and customize it to your style.

About Squire

Imagine a world where coding feels less like a solitary confinement and more like a lively collaboration. Enter Squire, your AI sidekick that’s here to revolutionize the way you tackle pull requests and code reviews. Gone are the days of staring blankly at your screen, wondering how to summarize your latest code masterpiece. With Squire, you can kick back and let this clever little agent whip up perfect pull request summaries that not only capture the essence of your changes but also keep your team in the loop. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows your code better than you do! But wait, there’s more! Squire doesn’t just stop at writing summaries; it dives deep into the nitty-gritty of code reviews. Developers used to dread the review process, worrying about every little detail. Now, they can focus on the big picture—architecture, future planning, and making a real impact. Squire takes the grunt work off your plate, allowing you to shine like the coding superstar you are. Who’s Squire for, you ask? Well, if you’re a developer tired of the mundane, a team lead looking to boost productivity, or just someone who wants to make coding a little less lonely, Squire is your new best friend. It’s designed for fast-shipping teams that want to optimize their software development lifecycle (SDLC) with the power of AI. With Squire, you’re not just getting a tool; you’re gaining a partner that never sleeps and is always ready to help you code smarter, not harder. So, why should you care? Because Squire saves you time—like, a whopping 4 hours a week per developer! That’s time you can spend on more creative endeavors or maybe even catching up on that Netflix series you’ve been meaning to watch. Plus, with a 21% faster time-to-merge and a two-day reduction in cycle time per team, you’ll be the hero of your squad, making waves in the coding world. Squire is not just a tool; it’s your ticket to coding glory!

  • AI Code Reviews

    Focus on high leverage work like architecture and future planning instead of worrying during reviews.

  • Pull Request Summaries

    Automatically generates perfect abstracts and detailed changes for documentation.

  • Issue Enrichment

    Enhances issues with relevant files, TODOs, and other context automatically.

  • Chat with Your Codebase

    Allows team members to contribute effectively by leveraging Squire's pair mode.

  • Engineering Productivity Optimization

    Saves 4 hours per week per developer and speeds up time-to-merge by 21%.

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