

Experience a new era of financial transparency for your business

Centralize, monitor, and optimize your subscriptions with ease

About Subly

Subly is a powerful subscription management tool that brings all your subscriptions into a single, centralized hub. Designed to end the chaos of scattered subscriptions, Subly empowers businesses, freelancers, and solopreneurs to take back control over their recurring expenses. At the heart of Subly is the desire to provide financial transparency and clarity. By consolidating all your subscriptions in one place, you can easily monitor your spending patterns, identify areas for optimization, and make informed decisions to streamline your costs. The tool's detailed reporting capabilities allow you to dive deep into your subscription data, uncovering insights that can drive smarter financial management. But Subly is more than just a tracking tool - it's a collaborative platform that enables teams to work together on subscription-related tasks. With features like shared access, renewal alerts, and project budgets, Subly ensures that everyone is on the same page, fostering financial accountability and faster decision-making. No more unexpected charges or missed renewals - Subly keeps you ahead of the curve, helping you stay in control of your subscription-based expenses.

  • Centralize your subscriptions

    Manage and organize every subscription across teams and projects in your business. Dive into the details or get a broad overview, all in one hub.

  • Get insights of your costs

    Dive deep into your spending patterns with detailed reports. Make informed decisions to optimize your expenses.

  • Every currency, one dashboard

    Track and analyze expenses from any corner of the world, Subly manages currency conversions for you, and presents insights in your preferred currency.

  • Collaborate with financial clarity

    Working with finances is easier when everyone's in the loop. Share and discuss your spending, subscriptions, and plans clearly and simply. Making decisions faster and with confidence.

  • No more unexpected charges

    Eliminate surprises with renewal alerts. Stay ahead of every charge and make timely decisions.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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What everyone's saying

2 reviews
Subly Reigns in Rogue Subscriptions
I have subcriptions to business services, streaming, tooth brush heads and, yes Olive Oil! It is easy to loose track of subscriptions these days. That is the primary function of Subly. You put ALL your subscriptions (Yes your mobile phone service IS a subscription) into the Subly platform and easily see, when broken down by month just how much you are spending (be prepared for a shock). In addition it can reign in rogue subscriptions (those you have subscribed to but have forgotten, or that initial $7.99 a month subscription that is now $25 a month!) How often had you forgotton to cancel a sub before it renews for another year? Subly solves this with reminders that you set yourself to remind you "X" days in advance with a link to the site so that you can cancel before the renewal date. This saves wasted time as well having to track down customer service and going through the steps of cancelling and getting a refund. There are other great additions like: 1. The ability to group your subs by tags. I use "Personal" and "Business"(I break down several of my businesses with tags) so that you can filter and see where the funds are going. 2. Pausing subscriptions that you have suspended and 3. Archiving subscriptiosn that you have cancelled.
May 29, 2024
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Subly to keep track the subscription you have
Subly to keep track the subscription you have. Ability to create alert to notify your subscription either daily, monthly, or annually. Also it can keep track all your LifeTime Software in a centralize location. A++ on the product.
May 28, 2024
Purchased from:

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