

Uptime monitoring, simplified

Get unlimited uptime monitoring for free! Monitor just about anything and get notified within minutes of any issues.

About Tethered

Imagine never having to worry about your website going down without your knowledge. That's the peace of mind Tethered offers to online businesses and solopreneurs. Tethered acts as a tireless digital watchdog, monitoring your online presence 24/7. It's the uptime monitoring solution that many businesses need but might not know exists. Picture this: You're going about your day, unaware that your website has decided to take an unscheduled break. With Tethered, you'd receive a notification almost instantly. It's like having a vigilant friend who alerts you about your site being down before your customers notice. And the best part? It's completely free. Yes, you read that correctly. Free. Forever. But Tethered isn't limited to just website monitoring. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for your online presence. Need port monitoring? It's got you covered. Want to track specific keywords? Tethered can do that too. It's a versatile tool for maintaining your digital presence. When issues arise, Tethered doesn't just quietly notify you - it sends alerts to your preferred platform, whether that's Slack, Discord, or email. Why leave your online business to chance? Consider giving Tethered a try and enjoy the security of knowing your digital assets are under constant surveillance. Your future self might appreciate the proactive approach. Are you ready to experience worry-free uptime monitoring?

  • Unlimited Monitors

    Monitor just about anything without limits, ensuring constant oversight.

  • Website Monitoring

    Get alerts for website issues before they affect your business.

  • Port Monitoring

    Keep an eye on server ports to detect issues early.

  • Keyword Monitoring

    Track specific keywords across the web for changes or outages.

  • Customizable Status Pages

    Create and customize status pages to inform users about service status.

  • Multiple Notification Integrations

    Receive alerts through various platforms like Slack, Email, and SMS.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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