

The Only Sales Rep You Need To Convert

VoiceGenie - Lead your sales to success

About VoiceGenie

VoiceGenie is a voice-based sales automation tool powered by generative AI that automates sales processes via AI voice bots. Whether you are an enterprise or a startup, it can help you grow your business on autopilot. VoiceGenie's Generative AI-powered voice bot reaches out, understands, and responds to your buyers empathetically, like a human salesperson. It can initiate meaningful conversations with your audience to create strong brand connections, educate buyers, clear misconceptions, and create personalized discovery experiences based on individual preferences. VoiceGenie solves the problems of prospects requiring timely attention, leads that need relevant information, and a lack of ongoing engagement - all of which lead to a leaky, low-converting, and expensive sales funnel. By automating these sales processes, VoiceGenie can help you meet your revenue goals on autopilot.

  • Instant

    Works tirelessly, ensuring 24x7 customer engagement without the constraints of tired agents or fixed working hours. Doesn't repeat the same mistake twice, while learning at a superhuman pace.

  • Relevant

    Creates immersive, personalized sales interactions in a completely humanized voice, excelling in objection handling, while retaining context within your brand's knowledge base for impressive results.

  • Persistent

    Consistently reaches out to nurture leads, schedule appointments, or provide updates, ensuring that no opportunities are lost, eliminates funnel leakages & no important information goes unshared.

  • Sentient

    Effortlessly follows your instructions, including repeating phrases, adjusting tones, changing languages, & excels in empathetic & sympathetic dialogues. Even top players find this level of human touch a challenge.

  • Brilliant

    Provides real-time intelligence from customer conversations, valuable insights, competitive positioning, & a lot more to make informed business decisions.

Lifetime access

Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $59

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