Product DevelopmentWafris


Stop attacks, intrusions and dark traffic from within your web stack.

Wafris is a free and open source Web Application Firewall that identifies threats and stops attacks from within your favorite Web Framework, HTTP Server or Kubernetes Ingress Controller.

About Wafris

Imagine you're a solopreneur, hustling day and night to build your dream online business. You’ve got the passion, the drive, and the vision, but lurking in the shadows of the internet are the villains: bots, hackers, and all sorts of malicious traffic just waiting to pounce on your hard work. Enter Wafris, your trusty sidekick in the battle against these digital foes. This isn’t just any web application firewall; it’s a free and open-source powerhouse designed to integrate seamlessly with your favorite web frameworks and servers. Wafris doesn’t just sit there twiddling its thumbs; it actively identifies threats and stops attacks like SQL injection and XSS in their tracks. With real-time request visualization, you can see exactly what’s happening in your app, making it easier to spot bad behavior before it wreaks havoc. And if you think you can outsmart Wafris with some sneaky tactics, think again! You can set custom blocking rules based on IP addresses, user agents, and more, turning the tables on those pesky attackers. But wait, there’s more! Wafris also offers rate limiting, which means you can control the flow of traffic to your site. This is like putting up a bouncer at the door of your digital club, allowing only the good folks in while keeping the troublemakers out. Plus, with insights that grade every IP's risk level based on past behavior, you’ll always be one step ahead. So, why does Wafris exist? Because every site deserves a fighting chance against the relentless tide of cyber threats. It’s time to stop accepting vulnerability as the default state of your web application. With Wafris, you’re not just getting a tool; you’re gaining a partner in security that’s as passionate about your success as you are. Let’s kick those attackers to the curb and secure your online empire!

  • Attack Protection

    Leverage Wafris rulesets to block attacks like SQL injection, XSS, and more.

  • Request Visualization

    Wafris gives you a real-time view into the requests hitting your app so bad behaviors jump out.

  • Blocking Rules

    Set custom blocking rules on IP addresses, user agents, paths and more.

  • Rate Limiting

    Set and tweak rate limits to allow users and block attackers.

  • Insights

    Grade every IP's risk level based on past behavior.

  • Escalation

    Get expert operational security help when you need it.

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