Workflow AutomationAlbatoNew to Albato - and loving it




4.4198 reviews

Automate workflows with no-code integrations

New to Albato - and loving it

Saving me time by automating mundane tasks I would otherwise have to do by hand. Every little bit counts!

I'm a blogger, particularly over social media. I spend a lot of time reposting the same content across multiple accounts. Albato makes that much easier to do, because I can automate certain tasks. Something as simple as sharing a photo + a link may not take much time by itself but doing that kind of thing 50+ times a day, every day, really adds up lol

Love automating any task I can. It's like an upgrade to my life. Super happy with this software and highly recommend everyone check it out if you also live in the cloud.

I like to be objective and sincere with my reviews so I try to include something I dislike or that could be better.

While it does have hundreds of available apps that it works with, at this time it does not have Instagram integration. However! It is on their roadmap. They have completed the necessary integration on their end but they just need Meta/IG to sign off on it. Not really an Albato dislike directly but it's the only thing I can come up with.

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