Website BuildersAppMySiteDefinitely don't buy it. It simply doesn't work as expected anymore.




4.3299 reviews

The world's easiest app maker for any business

Definitely don't buy it. It simply doesn't work as expected anymore.

From a good idea to a lot of not clear bugs.

We bought this on 2021. We need a webview app connected to wordpress, nothing particularly difficult and it was good. We took Tier 3. After the last publish of app in 2023 (we bought tier 4) the nightmare:
1) No build succesfully done after november 2023 (we succeed today, removing all part of notification)
2) They "LOST" key of Android version (their key, we cannot access it), so we cannot update on Google Console the app published before, need to delete an re-create on store... embarassing.
3) The build of today is totally not working. Apple refused it. And no testflight test.
The problem is that the testflight using their Appmysite test app goes without any problem... so they have enormous problems in CREATING distributable and working BUILDS.

Information on error in the site are minimal, and their anwsers are totally unuseful. We restart creating all certificates on developer of apple following their "cut'n paste" guide.
And surprise: NO BUILD.

All this seems that they are developing the creation part (adding features) but ignoring the self build part. Probably because from some months they added paid features to help you publish...

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