Website BuildersAppMySiteI'd Pass If I Were Looking To Purchase




4.3299 reviews

The world's easiest app maker for any business

I'd Pass If I Were Looking To Purchase

I purchased the highest tier (Tier 5) for Agency which WAS a part of the deal and was the only reason why I purchased the platform in 2023. I reached out to the developers and they tried to convince me that it never was a part of the deal when I know other Sumolings and I aren't just seeing things or making things up. Almost every feature that was included is now an add-on with a monthly price, which should not be allowed by AppSumo. I can't create the Agency, or add team members after my refund period ended. I think the tier even shows Tier 4 now instead of Tier 5 (Edit: It still shows AppSumo Tier 5). They've totally switched up the entire offer to squeeze more money out of its users when most of the times the apps you generate do not even work correctly. The AppMySite team really pulled a Bait and Switch move on all of the Sumolings who purchased with their first launch here. Without the Agency feature it's really pointless to have, no one has 1000 sites to generate apps for themselves. It really doesn't make sense. Just a total disappointment for me. So much so, I don't even use the platform any longer and can't get a full refund. I wish I had taken a screenshot of their 5 tiers to show them, they in fact changed every feature that was promised to early Sumolings. I would steer clear of this offer at all costs.

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