Photo EditingBetterPicFeel's like Taco Tuesday!




5.02 reviews

Professional AI headshot generator in 4k resolution

Feel's like Taco Tuesday!

This was one epic tool. I had to give 10 input images which were a bummer because I had to find so many from old pictures but once that was done, it was MAGIC!

Damn, I was looking so good in about 13 of the pictures out of the 100 that were generated. The best part was they looked like real me with my own expressions, wow!

I hated about 40 pictures, liked 20 and loved 20 and honestly I just needed 5.

I am not sure when Ill have to use the tool again but when I do I'll use betterpic. Defintely a lot better than aragon.

Jul 12, 2024
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