

A better way to manage projects

The project management system designed to be simple for any team, powerful for any challenge, and flexible for any industry.

About Blue

Blue is the project management platform that brings order to the chaos of modern work. Designed to be simple yet powerful, Blue empowers teams of all sizes to streamline their workflows, collaborate effortlessly, and boost their productivity. At the heart of Blue is a deep understanding of the unique challenges facing today's project managers. Whether you're running a lean startup or a global enterprise, Blue adapts to your specific needs, allowing you to work the way that works best for your team. With a wide range of customizable views, from Kanban boards to Gantt charts, Blue gives you the flexibility to visualize your projects in the way that makes the most sense. But Blue is more than just a pretty face - it's a powerful tool that helps you get things done. With intelligent automations, seamless file management, and real-time dashboards, Blue eliminates the administrative headaches that can slow down even the most efficient teams. And with its intuitive interface and minimal learning curve, Blue ensures that your entire team will be up and running in no time, spending less time on training and more time on the work that matters most. Whether you're a startup looking to streamline your operations or an enterprise seeking a scalable solution for your mission-critical projects, Blue is the project management platform that can help you achieve your goals. With its global reach, unparalleled flexibility, and commitment to simplicity, Blue is the modern way to manage your work and unlock your team's full potential.

  • View work your way

    Kanban, Database, Calendar, Gantt Charts, Lists, and Maps.

  • Tailored to you

    Pick from dozens of field types to match your data structure.

  • Get rid of admin work

    Streamline workflows with powerful if-this-then-that automations.

  • Work from anywhere

    Mac, Windows, iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android, and PWA.

  • Private & secure

    Define granular access permissions for different team roles.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Mac
  • Windows
  • iOS (iPhone & iPad)
  • Android
  • PWA


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