MarketingCompetitors App
Competitors App

Competitors App

Monitor all your competitors' marketing moves

Get real-time updates on your competitors' website changes, email campaigns, social media activity, and more

About Competitors App

Competitors App is a powerful tool that helps marketers stay one step ahead of their competition. Designed to be a one-stop-shop for monitoring your rivals' every move, this innovative platform tracks changes across all their online channels - from website updates and email campaigns to social media activity and SEO performance. The team behind Competitors App understands the challenges of staying competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape. That's why they've created a solution that does the heavy lifting for you, delivering real-time insights and alerts so you can quickly identify opportunities and adapt your own strategies accordingly. Whether you're a small business owner, a marketing consultant, or part of a larger enterprise, Competitors App is an indispensable tool that can give you a significant edge over the competition. By staying informed about your rivals' every move, you'll be able to make more informed decisions, optimize your campaigns, and ultimately drive better results for your business.

  • New Competitors Detection

    Be the first to know about new competitors. Competitors App automatically detects new competitors and informs you via email for timely actions.

  • New Google Ads

    Discover and monitor competitors' PPC campaigns for insights to enhance your Google Ad campaigns.

  • Social Media Updates

    Receive real-time updates of competitors' social media activities effortlessly on your timeline.

  • Keywords Ranking

    Monitor competitors' keyword rankings continuously for strategic insights.

  • Website Changes

    Stay informed about significant website changes of competitors via email notifications.

  • SEO Changes

    Track competitors' SEO efforts and updates to stay ahead in the search rankings.

  • New Web Pages Detection

    Automatically detect new competitors' web pages, including feature pages or FAQs, for competitive insights.

  • Newsletters and Account Emails

    Monitor competitors' newsletters and account emails effortlessly on your timeline.

  • New Blog Post

    Discover competitors' content strategies promptly to enhance your own content creation.

  • Slack Notifications

    Receive competitor updates directly on Slack for real-time notifications on their actions and reviews.

  • Facebook Ads

    Stay updated on competitors' Facebook ads to optimize your own advertising strategies.

  • Reviews

    Monitor over 60 review sites to track competitors' reviews and receive notifications for each new review.

  • Full White-label

    Offer full white-label reports to clients with a custom domain and client login for enhanced agency services.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



What everyone's saying

1 review
Great for monitoring your competitors long-term
Affordable solution to monitor all channels of your competitors. SaaS tools are really good for this.
Jun 3, 2024
Purchased from:

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