Design & MultimediaDepositphotosThis is scam, a fraud! DO NOT BUY.




4.9509 reviews

Elevate your projects with royalty-free visuals

This is scam, a fraud! DO NOT BUY.

They mislead by promoting as a life time deal, but it´s a one time use FOR EVERYTHING. Yet, in the description, they make you think that the limited, one-time use is only for the AI generated images and videos. I never used any AI functions - nothing, Yet, they terminated my subscription saying I had used up all my access. How? If I never used any AI functions?

They mislead by making you think that it´s an LTD for the stock photos, and only the tiers being priced based on the amount of limited AI generations. I never used any AI, thus my payment was a complete scam. It reflects badly on AppSummo by not clearly stating that it´s not an LTD like almost everything else, if they also know that it´s just a one-time use, a limited "subscription".

In any case, I should have the right to use the amount of AI generations I bought. I used zero of what the plan offered me. EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED WITH APPSUMMO. HOPE THEY CANCEL DEPOSITPOHOTOS FROM THIS SITE. Sorry, can´t add value when it´s deception. Anyway, I didn´t even get to try out the AI functions, did I?

Where are all these 5 tacos coming from? Sorry, but they must be fake. There are more people complaining about this deception as well. DO NOT BUY, and don´t respond to me you people from DepositPhotos, because I will only elevate my formal complaint to the highest level as possible.

The worst part is you thinking we are stupid. We are not. You scheming liars.

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