

AI powered answers using workplace apps

Al assistant that can answer questions, find information, write documents, all powered by your apps and workplace knowledge. Eliminate repetitive questions, bloat, and busywork.

About Findr

Findr is an AI-powered search assistant that helps teams find answers and information across their workplace apps in seconds. With Findr, you can instantly search and chat with your data from Gmail, Slack, Jira, Google Drive, and more, all in one place. Findr uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning to understand your questions and provide accurate, relevant answers. Whether you need to find a specific email, document, or conversation, Findr can quickly surface the information you need, saving you time and hassle. In addition to search, Findr also offers powerful AI capabilities that allow you to summarize content, generate reports, and even write emails and documents using the knowledge from your connected apps. With Findr, you can eliminate repetitive tasks, reduce information overload, and focus on what matters most. Findr is designed for teams of all sizes and industries who want to work smarter and faster. It's easy to set up and use, with a simple, intuitive interface and seamless integrations with popular apps like Gmail, Slack, Jira, and Google Drive. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, Findr can help you unlock the full potential of your workplace data and take your productivity to the next level.

  • Universal Search Across Apps

    Stop searching for links and documents. Gather all references about a topic across your apps in one single place.

  • AI-Powered Instant Answers

    Chat with Findr to get direct responses to your questions, summarize content, compose emails, lightning fast with references to your sources.

  • Multi-Account Integrations

    Easily connect and search multiple accounts in one place with Findr. Stop hopping between apps and accounts to find relevant information.

  • Secure and Compliant

    Prioritize data security by using search APIs from all apps, ensuring real-time data search without indexing or downloading. Systems are safeguarded with high-grade encryption for data protection.

  • Desktop App

    Download the desktop app to access all information from anywhere.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS

Browsers supported



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