

Engineering analytics to boost developer productivity

Hatica aggregates activity from all your work apps to power software engineering dashboards and generate AI-driven insights to help teams drive velocity, alignment, and well-being

About Hatica

Hatica aggregates activity from all your work apps to power software engineering dashboards and generate AI-driven insights to help teams drive velocity, alignment, and well-being. Engineering teams struggle with a lack of visibility into their work, making it difficult to align with business goals and identify areas for improvement. Hatica solves this problem by providing a comprehensive view of engineering workflows and productivity metrics. With Hatica, engineering leaders can access data-driven insights to accelerate delivery, drive engagement, and promote team success and well-being. Managers can use Hatica to gain visibility into team-level processes and performance, while engineers can boost their productivity with metrics-driven workflows. Hatica's seamless integrations with popular work apps, such as Git, project management, and communication tools, make it easy for teams to get started and start driving sustainable improvements.

  • Comprehensive work visibility

    Hatica aggregates activity from all your work apps to power software engineering dashboards and provide AI-driven insights to help teams drive velocity, alignment and well-being.

  • Project Health

    See important metrics about project, engineering, and the sprint in one simplified view.

  • Investment allocation

    Understand where your engineers are spending the most time and align those efforts with business goals.

  • Planning accuracy

    See how much of the work done in the sprint was planned vs how many were actually completed by the end of the sprint.

  • Automated work updates and async stand-ups

    Run automated async stand-ups via Slack, Email or the Hatica app and be in the loop asynchronously and view them alongside team progress and activity.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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