Appointment SchedulingkiwilaunchTop-notch Online Booking!




4.841 reviews

Online booking & scheduling software

Top-notch Online Booking!

We tested a few other appointment booking platforms and we happily decided to settle with Kiwilaunch. šŸ‘

What we loved:

āœ… Platform is polished and snappy
āœ… Easy to navigate and use
āœ… Fast set-up including custom domain
āœ… Customization and branding options
āœ… Booking page is nice and clean
āœ… Amazing support and founder


šŸ’” More filtering options on reports
šŸ’” Better filtering options on date range
šŸ’” Multiple email addresses for notifications
šŸ’” SMTP for branded emails
šŸ’” Labels and icons for easier reference

Overall, Kiwilaunch already show signs of being a contender in the online booking space with its fast, stable, and reliable platform. šŸ†

Orkun and his team has a bright future ahead! šŸš€

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