Social Media ManagementKuasar VideoI am so impressed

Kuasar Video

Kuasar Video

Kuasar Video

3.610 reviews

Unlock the power of AI for your videos

I am so impressed

My primary video platform is YouTube, but I know TikTok can be a powerful driver for businesses like mine, so I decided to give Kuasar a try.

First, let me say: WATCH THEIR ONBOARDING VIDEOS. I unfortunately messed up and spent my credits not entirely understanding some aspects (i.e. "tags" is not hashtags. Oops!)

In some ways, Kuasar is pretty simple; there's not a lot of bells and whistles like separate brand profiles or in-depth AI reports that go into excruciating detail. In truth, their video AI insights feature is pretty minimal, giving you a paragraph or so of answers to the pre-defined prompts.

That said, I think it's simple because it doesn't HAVE to be everything to everyone...because it does what it promises: delivering in depth analysis of competitors and offering insights into what's working for them and why. I didn't start off with my own social media accounts because, frankly, they've been long-since neglected and it would be a waste of credits. Instead, I put in accounts for some bigger influencers in my primary niche and analyzed the heck out of them. Now I feel like I know way more about their tactics than THEY probably do. (My niche isn't particularly known for rigorous A/B testing and I officially win!)

Also, shout out to Ali for the world-class support and extreme patience with me. He offered to reinstate my credits from scratch without me asking or expecting something so generous. It was my error, and he still saw fit to give me a do-over for the month. :)

So why not 5 tacos? I'm waiting on the YouTube build, and then I think this will be the most powerful marketing asset I've got for carving out my space in the market.

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