Online CourseLeaderJamFrustrating Experience with LeaderJam - Not Worth It




3.28 reviews

Build a global knowledge business

Frustrating Experience with LeaderJam - Not Worth It

First off, the setup process is a nightmare. You’re forced to upload both a profile picture and a business logo right from the start. There’s no option to skip these steps. I kept getting an error message saying, "Unable to process your request. Please try again later." After a lot of frustration, I figured out the problem was that my "custom domain"/slug was already taken. Why not just say that upfront?

When I finally logged in, I had to go through a three-step questionnaire:
1. "Tell us about yourself" (4-5 minutes - their estimate)
2. "Set up your Coaching Business" (2-3 minutes - their estimate)
3. "Getting Started with LeaderJam" (3-4 minutes - their estimate)

So, I ended up spending about 10 minutes on what felt like their marketing research instead of getting actual value. They asked about the companies I’ve worked with and my personal achievements, which felt pointless for me as a user.

The dashboard is another disappointment - it looks like it hasn’t been updated for years. It’s outdated and not user-friendly at all. Even the top menu items have line-breaks in them, for example.

The worst part? There’s a hidden 2% processing fee that wasn’t mentioned anywhere in the sales copy or deal details. I found out about this in the comments section, but this should definitely be in the deal box. To make sure they do not miss out on that sweet 2% fee, it is not possible to have free events. (This was also something I found buried in the comments and not mentioned in the deal copy/box)

This felt like a bait and switch, and it was the last straw for me. I’ve lost all trust in this product and am definitely going for a refund.

I’m really surprised this product made it through AppSumo’s Select vetting process with these hidden charges and such a poor onboarding experience.

I expected much better. Save your time and money - look elsewhere.

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