MarketingMaekersuiteDeserves five tacos after a few development stages




4.6100 reviews

Craft compelling video storylines using data & AI

Deserves five tacos after a few development stages

This is one of the best deals on this platform as of now. (based on my category of users)
A lot of improvements are still maybe on the way, but at present also, it is full of useful features.
I think before using youtube, this app is going to be my first preference for exploration about what to watch and where to invest my time learning.
Apart from topic exploration, i was amazed to see transcripts of the videos being explored that is ready to copy in one click. Superb.
Add one more otion to summarize that transcript with the help of at least Chatgpt 3.5, it will be worth in gold for me at least, or those who falls in user category like me.
There will be too many suggestions from my end down the line after regular usage of the platform, but really loved it.

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