Just a review of my testing of a couple of course creations. I find the tool easy to use and have the tier that I can use PDFs to create content. I think I need to play with prompting to see what prompts are the most effective for generating content. However, I am impressed with what it can do in a very short time and with AI pictures of fairly good quality (AI text can be iffy though).
My use case would be to rapidly develop content using MCG and then transfer it into Rise360 for internal use. This is purely for personal reasons and work uses Articulate.
There are a some of areas I hope they improve in the future.
Full SCORM for export to an internal LMS.
Add image where you can zoom in or make full screen. Added some mind map images and wasn't able to blow them up.
The ability to split blocks of text so that you can add video/images at appropriate points.
The ability to generate new text from the source or an example document. For example, build a course using a PDF, then add new sections and text based on content from that document.
Notes on hover - when you hover over a term, a customizable tooltip pops up.
Collapsible sections - The ability to expand content such as tables, videos, etc.
Quick cross-reference to other pages in the guide.
The ability to reuse content from another course and insert it as a block into a new course page.
I look forward to it developing.